Vos 2024 Full Show

Healing Water

by Eulalia Gamez  
Merced, CA United States
Digital Art

Vision Statement

This piece is part of a series of the self in ice water, I explore themes of water, oceans and the self regularly in my work. I grew up at Redondo Beach where my mom would drive us every weekend and at night on weekdays. My mother has always been connected to the ocean, knowing when she is angry her waves crash and reach further, when she is calm her waves soothe and when she is sad she stays still. I learned from my mother that some of the harder adult stuff like break ups and loss are healed by sticking my toes in the sand, breathing in ocean air while listening to her waves and having a good cry. A couple of weeks ago I had a dream that the bus I was on went past my home, past California and through Antarctica eventually crashing into ice waters. I woke up surprised in the bus and started sketching these ideas of my self in ice water, as each piece progresses the woman representing me starts feeling better and better about where she is.