Visions of Self is an annual show of work from female artists across the world. It’s hosted by the Women’s Voices, Women’s Vision group of Yosemite Sierra Artists. In our second year, we’re featuring over 100 artists from 14 countries, with work including the subjects of self-portraiture, environment, emotions, and state of being.

This painting represents my struggle with depression- something that has developed recently. I’m still learning to cope with it and speak about it, as it is still so new to me.
So here’s a double self-portrait. The version of me that drinks coffee in the morning and goes about her day as if everything is fine. In the background, sits the version of me who doesn’t want to get up in the morning and face the day ahead. The background figure represents the lingering feeling of sadness that never truly goes away, despite how happy I feel. The window represents a glimmer of hope that shines light on me and my situation. Despite my worst days, I know that I’ll be okay.
Although this is a sad piece, I’m using it as a way to cope with my feelings. I express my life through painting- my happiness, my suffering.. all moments that I want to hold on to and reflect on as I progress through life.
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