VoS 2021 Full Show
Self Portrait
Naomi Brenneck
Chicago, IL United States
When I depict myself I try to make it as raw and honest as possible. It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to fix your insecurities and show who you want to be instead of who you are. I find that this makes my work less interesting and less engaging. This piece is a simple way of showing exactly who I am. There is no editing of my face, no makeup, no significant planning. Just my face, the sleeve of my favorite sweatshirt, and my eyelashes pressed against the glass. I moved just a bit at the end and you can see my lips start to open. After many tries, this is the kind of mistake I was looking for. The truth of this piece is I was impatient and failed to sit still for 10 seconds.
Price: 80 USD
Get in touch: nbrenneck@gmail.com